Saturday, January 13, 2007

Our Worldview

I've an idea for an ongoing project for this blog: to articulate the many beliefs/attitudes/dogmas/concepts that, while rarely explicitly articulated as such, form the rough essence of the young would-be analytic philosopher's worldview at this moment in history. I don't have any particularly good examples, but here's one candidate that Erica came up with:

-- a disdain for video/computer gaming. This sounds a bit odd, but I think it's promising because it's wouldn't be expected by people who didn't know philosophers -- from the outside, we look like just the sort of dorks who would like video games -- but I'm pretty sure we don't go in for computer games (or we do it secretly and shamefully) and that it's traceable to (anti-experience-machine, self-perfectionist) commitments that we tend towards.


Anonymous said...

It's funny that that's the first thing that comes to mind, because I've more than once said that I think video games are the most promising new artistic medium.

So what, exactly, do your friends thinks about video games?

ben said...

this from the man who could play super tecmo bowl for hours without blinking?